La Loi de Programmation Militaire (LPM) 2014-2019 et les arrêtés sectoriels associés, ainsi que la déclinaison française de la directive européenne NIS, consacrent une place importante à la gestion des identités et des accès sur les infrastructures critiques. En effet,…
Tag: digital trust
After several attempts to enact laws that facilitate the appropriation of data from customers of US-based services that is being stored outside the United States, the US Congress passed the “Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data (CLOUD) Act” in March…
Ensuring the respect of privacy in a digital world not only requires integration into every project, but integration into every company culture. This approach will also facilitate compliance with new regulations in the respective countries. Analytical assessment made possible thanks…
Ensuring the respect of privacy in a digital world not only requires integration into every project, but integration into every company culture. This approach will also facilitate compliance with new regulations in the respective countries. Analytical assessment of a concrete…
Ensuring the respect of privacy in a digital world not only requires integration into every project, but integration into every company culture. This approach will also facilitate compliance with new regulations in the respective countries. This blog post is a…
Since the introduction of digital privacy in legislative literature, regulations have become increasingly stringent. The European Union is the engine driving this trend with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), although other countries have not flatered behind as we sitness…
The results presented in this paper form a synthesis of the survey as a whole. Detailed results and analysis are available on our website. The results of this survey should not be viewed as scientific evidence. Rather, it is representative…
Le règlement eIDAS, qui abroge la directive 1999/93/CE sur la signature électronique, entrera en vigueur le 1er juillet 2016. Il fait suite aux insuffisances du cadre posé par ladite directive sur l'identification électronique et les services de confiance pour les…
À l’heure du multi-canal, et même du cross-canal, bâtir une relation de « confiance numérique » est un enjeu clé pour les entreprises privées, mais aussi les organismes du service public (déclaration d’impôts, espaces personnels sur le site de Pôle emploi…). Ils…