Recent major cyberattacks, especially global destructive ones such as WannaCry and NotPetya in 2017, but also targeted ones, have shown how significantly business activities can be disrupted for affected organisations, resulting in huge financial losses. Consequently, organisations are looking for…
Tag: cybersecurity
Cybersecurity remains a fast-evolving ecosystem that presents new threats to enterprises every day with hackers becoming increasingly innovative in their attempts to break into corporate networks and steal valuable data. As such, cybersecurity start-ups are playing an even more critical…
>>FOCUS Last year, the National Health Service England (NHS) faced its most important cybersecurity crisis due to the Wannacry ransomware attack. In October 2017, the National Audit Office (NAO) published a report showing that at least 34% of trusts in…
>>Editorial: What to remember from 2017? Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are complex systems that aim to control industrial processes. ICS can be found in several sectors: energy, nuclear, transport, chemistry… In brief these systems control many of the critical productive assets…
On July 6, 2016, the NIS (Network and Information Security) directive went into effect. With only a short time to go until the deadline for transposition (May 9, 2018), discussions about the directive are picking up steam. But what exactly…
After a first article on the cyber-security start-ups radar, this second article is about which means these start-ups can use to properly develop. How to acquire customers among large corporations? How to develop abroad? These are one of the many…
Cyber-security is now the focus of everyone’s attention - the protection of personal data and defense against cyberattacks have become priorities for companies and governments alike. In a field where the nature of the threat is constantly evolving, innovation is…
On January 31, 2017, President Trump postponed the signature of the Executive Order on cybersecurity, which was expected to lay the groundwork of the United States’ efforts to fight cyber threats in the coming years. The presidential race was marked…
Theoretically, when a company is for sale, its potential buyer carries out a preliminary investigation phase to ensure that the company, as advertised in its published documents, is the same in reality. This is otherwise known as due diligence. This…