Tag: cybersecurity

Saga (3/3) – Feedback from the field and good practices for the protection and the security maintenance of industrial ISs

We have seen through the previous articles the solutions allowing to initiate the security of Industrial IS. Once this securing has been achieved, the maintenance in security conditions must be ensured as well as the implementation of detection means. Managing…

Saga (2/3) – Feedback from the field and good practices for the protection and the security maintenance of industrial ISs

After having discovered the premises of securing Industrial IS through the mapping of these systems and their partitioning, we will now explain their administration.   Administration – the nerve center of network architecture Good administration of an IS is essential…

Cyber-resilience lessons learned: the latest UK developments

Recent major cyberattacks, especially global destructive ones such as WannaCry and NotPetya in 2017, but also targeted ones, have shown how significantly business activities can be disrupted for affected organisations, resulting in huge financial losses. Consequently, organisations are looking for…

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