Tag: cybersecurity

The 2020 French Cyber-Security Startups Radar: our analysis (1/2)

Towards realization despite adversity? Last year marked the beginning of the French cybersecurity startups ecosystem transformation. This year, many questions are being asked: has the momentum continued despite the health crisis? How has the ecosystem responded? What actions would support it…

Hazy | Shake’Up – How synthetic data could have let us prepare for this pandemic?

We are now opening contributions to this blog to start-ups accelerated by our Shake'Up project. Hazy offers a synthetic data generator, combining differential confidentiality, referential integrity, multi-table database support and aerial deployment. Contingency planning. It’s what the few orgs that…

Saga (3/3) – Feedback from the field and good practices for the protection and the security maintenance of industrial ISs

We have seen through the previous articles the solutions allowing to initiate the security of Industrial IS. Once this securing has been achieved, the maintenance in security conditions must be ensured as well as the implementation of detection means. Managing…

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