The FinTech phenomenon is on the rise around the world, and also in France where numerous start-ups are making their presence felt. In June 2015, the association France Fintech was created for the purpose of uniting and promoting the activities…
Driverless cars are the future of the automotive sector, and promise a major break with today's driving habits. However, recent events have shown that these vehicles are not immune to cyberattacks. A significant risk: the Chrysler Jeep and…
By 2020, the Internet will depend upon an ever-growing universe of connected objects and personal data, and will play an omnipresent role in our daily lives. These new technologies and possibilities are naturally attracting the attention of both regulatory bodies…
IAM on the cusp of change In the context of IAM, organisations have traditionally focused on managing identities and controlling who accesses what (and how). In terms of identity management, organisations first focused on automation of provisioning tasks and other…
On January 31, 2017, President Trump postponed the signature of the Executive Order on cybersecurity, which was expected to lay the groundwork of the United States’ efforts to fight cyber threats in the coming years. The presidential race was marked…
Société Générale et Wavestone lancent les « Banking CyberSecurity Innovation Awards », premier trophée dédié à la cybersécurité dans le domaine bancaire. Les Startups et PME innovantes sont invitées à concourir jusqu’au 21 mai pour proposer leur solution dans trois catégories. La…
Theoretically, when a company is for sale, its potential buyer carries out a preliminary investigation phase to ensure that the company, as advertised in its published documents, is the same in reality. This is otherwise known as due diligence. This…
Dans un mode projet traditionnel, la généralisation des processus de gestion de la vie des systèmes d’information, l’industrialisation des SI, la virtualisation et la mise en place de solutions de sécurisation standardisées devraient permettre un déploiement simple et rapide des…
Quelques rappels sur le protocole d’authentification Kerberos Kerberos est un protocole d’authentification réseau reposant sur un mécanisme de clés secrètes (chiffrement symétrique) et l’utilisation de tickets. Il fait partie intégrante des système d’exploitation Windows depuis la version Serveur 2000. Différents…
Cyber-attaques en hausse et cadre réglementaire (réglementation financière, GDPR, LPM… ) de plus en plus présent ; chacun peut quotidiennement faire ce constat. Dans ce contexte, la grande majorité des entreprises a mené des projets d’IAM : les accès aux applications sensibles…