Following the GDPR’s adoption in 2016, most companies are taking a structured approach to compliance and, now that the May 2018 deadline is over, most of them enacted their compliance plan. But we are seeing some interpretations of the regulation…
The revolution is underway! The vehicles we drive will become ever-more connected and autonomous in the near future, something that will open the door to new uses. The user experience, in terms of mobility, will undoubtedly be better, but the…
Le panorama des menaces informatiques évolue constamment, et chaque année se retrouve baptisée du nom de la nouvelle tendance ou innovation qui semble bousculer le monde de la sécurité informatique. Si 2017 était l’année du ransomware, il se pourrait que…
On the occasion of the cybersecurity month and while the Mondial Paris Motor Show has just closed down, Here is a little background on the study released during the Vivatech event dedicated to startup and technological innovation, called "How are…
Issus de la génération ayant connu le minitel, le bas-débit et les écrans cathodiques, l'équipe formant l'association RTFM a grandi avec une passion pour la technologie et les sujets qui s'y rattachent. L'objectif de l'association est de créer un…
After several attempts to enact laws that facilitate the appropriation of data from customers of US-based services that is being stored outside the United States, the US Congress passed the “Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data (CLOUD) Act” in March…
La directive NIS (Network and Information Security) – (UE) 2016/1148 – est entrée en vigueur en août 2016, avec pour objectif d’assurer un niveau élevé commun de sécurité des réseaux et des systèmes d'information dans l'Union Européenne : coopération entre les…
Suite à l’adoption du RGPD en 2016, la plupart des entreprises se sont dotées d’une démarche structurée et, maintenant que l’échéance de mai 2018 est passée, ont pour la plupart entamé leur plan de mise en conformité. Mais nous observons…
The development of connected cars – and eventually autonomous cars – requires the presence of more and more software-driven electronic components in vehicles, as well as new interfaces allowing them to be connected to other devices and infrastructures. In a…
This June at #Identiverse in Boston I had quite an epiphany during Eve and Mike’s session. I finally realized that User-Managed Access 2.0 protocol (aka UMA2.0) is not that complicated to understand and VERY similar to some OAuth2 flow we all…