How can the ISO 27001 framework be used to continuously improve the security level? In a previous article, we told you all about the new European NIS directive and Belgium's choice to use the ISO 27001 standard as a basis…
Category: Cybersecurity & Digital Trust
We are now opening contributions to this blog to start-ups accelerated by our Shake'Up project. Hazy offers a synthetic data generator, combining differential confidentiality, referential integrity, multi-table database support and aerial deployment. Contingency planning. It’s what the few orgs that…
In 2010, the early hype-cycle of IoT (Ericsson and Cisco) predicted 50 billion devices by 2020. In reality, that figure was highly overestimated. Today, Gartner states that approximately 5.8 billion IoT terminals will be in use in 20201. Even if…
Recent events have shown us that teleworking is no longer a luxury for employees, but a real necessity to ensure the continuity of organisations' activities. For those who have not yet taken the plunge (mainly ETIs and the public sector),…
For several years now, Wavestone's different offices have been periodically identifying startups active in the field of cybersecurity. Wavestone Brussels office has therefore carried out its very first census in this field: the 2020 Belgian Cybersecurity Startup Radar. A proven…
Nostalgie, nostalgie… rappelez-vous des organisations sécurité il y a 20 ans. Impossible de faire plus simple ! L’équipe « type » était composée d’une quinzaine de personnes au sein des opérations de la DSI, toutes passionnées de technique : ça causait nombre de VLAN, filtrage…
The cybersecurity topic requires involvement at all levels of the company, but also and above all with the executive committee! Obviously, management must be an example, but it will also decide on major investments and will know how to unlock…
Phishing, data leak, laptop or smartphone thefts, fake President… end-users are key actors in securing information systems. However, it is a difficult exercise to raise their awareness to security risk and to teach them good practices. Headache for CISOs, lack…
In the previous article, we presented a step by step approach for Machine Learning applied to cybersecurity in order to use its value and understand how it works (lien vers partie 1 de l’article). In this second part, we will…
Nowadays, we hear about artificial intelligence (AI) everywhere, it affects all sectors... and cybersecurity is not to be left out! According to a global benchmark published by CapGemini in the summer of 2019, 69% of organizations consider that they will…