This year has been exceptionally trying for individuals, businesses and governments globally. Living and working in a crisis mode introduced an array of challenges, with some firms dealing with them better and faster than others. What is the common denominator?…
Category: Cybersecurity & Digital Trust
Qui ne s’est pas déjà senti perdu en cherchant des informations sur les plans de licences autour d’Office 365 ? Avec cet article, je souhaite vous partager un décryptage de ce qui existe avec quelques conseils pour retrouver son chemin, ainsi…
Who hasn’t already felt lost looking for information on Office 365 licensing? In this article, I will help you decipher the existing plans, as well as provide a few tips and reminders on recent announcements from the publisher. In today’s modern…
At a time when the internalized IS is no more than a distant memory giving way to a multiplication of external services hosting data, the SOC's mission remains the same: to detect cybersecurity incidents in order to react as quickly…
In a previous article, we discovered how "Security Twins" could improve the security and trust of connected devices. In this new article we will now look at how the “Security Twins” can improve the security of physical accesses to a building…
Who hasn’t already felt lost looking for information on Office 365 licensing? In this article, I will help you decipher the existing plans, as well as provide a few tips and reminders on recent announcements from the publisher. In today’s modern…
Qui ne s’est pas déjà senti perdu en cherchant des informations sur les plans de licences autour d’Office 365 ? Avec cet article, je souhaite vous partager un décryptage de ce qui existe avec quelques conseils pour retrouver son chemin, ainsi…
Nostalgia, nostalgia... remember security organizations 20 years ago. It couldn't be simpler! The "typical" team was made up of about fifteen people in the ISD operations, all of them passionate about technology: it caused a lot of VLAN, Internet filtering,…
Out of the 40 major incidents managed by CERT-Wavestone last year, only 26% of security incidents were identified by the organisation's cyber detection team (the SOC in most cases). It is therefore quite logical that the ANSSI mentioned a collective…
Comment utiliser le cadre de la norme ISO 27001 au service de l’amélioration continue du niveau de sécurité ? Dans un précédent article, on vous racontait tout sur la nouvelle directive européenne NIS et le choix de la Belgique de se…