Category: Manufacturing & Industry 4.0

Saga (3/3) – Feedback from the field and good practices for the protection and the security maintenance of industrial ISs

We have seen through the previous articles the solutions allowing to initiate the security of Industrial IS. Once this securing has been achieved, the maintenance in security conditions must be ensured as well as the implementation of detection means. Managing…

Saga (2/3) – Feedback from the field and good practices for the protection and the security maintenance of industrial ISs

After having discovered the premises of securing Industrial IS through the mapping of these systems and their partitioning, we will now explain their administration.   Administration – the nerve center of network architecture Good administration of an IS is essential…

Saga (1/3) – Feedback from the field and good practices for the protection and the security maintenance of industrial ISs

For several years now, we’ve been supporting the far-reaching changes affecting industrial information systems which are being increasingly forced to open up to the broader market and corporate IS technologies. As levels of exposure and threats increase, carrying out security…

Saga (3/3) – Retours d’expérience et bonnes pratiques pour protéger et maintenir en condition de sécurité des SI Industriels

Nous avons vu au travers des articles précédents les solutions permettant d’initier la sécurisation des SI Industriels. Une fois cette sécurisation réalisée, le maintien en conditions de sécurité doit être assuré tout comme la mise en place de moyens de…

Removable media decontamination tools – success factors for effective security gain and successful deployment

Because of their accessibility and ease of use, USB sticks and other USB storage devices are widespread and commonly used. In this article, all these devices will be referred to as ‘removable media’. Industrial networks also called ‘OT’ (Operating Technology)…

Saga 3/3 : La sécurité des véhicules connectés, les réponses pour une transformation nécessaire !

Si la sécurité physique des passagers et de leur environnement est aujourd’hui une composante fondamentale du monde automobile, la cybersécurité commence elle aussi à être mise en lumière, notamment depuis la publication des travaux initiés par Charlie MILLER et Chris…

Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity News #2 – Radiology of the cybersecurity level of the healthcare sector

>>FOCUS Last year, the National Health Service England (NHS) faced its most important cybersecurity crisis due to the Wannacry ransomware attack. In October 2017, the National Audit Office (NAO) published a report showing that at least 34% of trusts in…

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