This article was originally published on our corporate website on 26 January 2023. Cybersecurity awareness is a journey to embed secure behaviours in people's daily lives To do so, you need to build a strong cyberawareness program, focus…
Author: Noëmie Honoré
Shake'Up, Wavestone's startup accelerator, is pleased to present the first edition of the “Women Entrepreneurs in Tech” prize. Conceived and piloted jointly with the French newspaper Les Echos, this prize will be awarded on March 5, 2025. The aim is…
Are you a CISO, Talent Manager or Cybersecurity Specialist grappling with the challenge of recruiting and retaining top-notch cybersecurity talents? You’re not alone. Recruiting in cybersecurity is increasingly challenging, with 4 million jobs currently unfilled – a 13% rise from…
“Talent shortage”, “skills gap”, “employee burnout in cybersecurity”, “high turnover rate” – as a cybersecurity professional, you must be familiar with these expressions, for better or for worse. You may have seen the big headlines pointing out talent shortage issues…
Cyber Month is to cybersecurity awareness what the Olympics are to sports: the time to shine, with all eyes on you. Given that human-risk remains significant, with human error accounting for 82% of data breaches according to the 2022 Verizon…
I often talk about cybersecurity awareness: I share concepts and best practices, but today I'm writing from another point of view: that of the person who has been made aware! Yes, experts are not exempt from awareness initiatives... let me…
Comment utiliser le cadre de la norme ISO 27001 au service de l’amélioration continue du niveau de sécurité ? Dans un précédent article, on vous racontait tout sur la nouvelle directive européenne NIS et le choix de la Belgique de se…
How can the ISO 27001 framework be used to continuously improve the security level? In a previous article, we told you all about the new European NIS directive and Belgium's choice to use the ISO 27001 standard as a basis…
Félicitations ! Vous faites partie des élus, votre organisation a été désignée Opérateur de Services Essentiels (OSE) par son autorité sectorielle. Bienvenue au club des futurs certifiés ISO 27001. Maintenant que l’information est digérée vous vous demandez : qu’est-ce que cela implique concrètement ? Comment m’y…