La date du 25 mai 2018 marque l'entrée en vigueur du Réglement Général sur la Protection des Données (RGPD ou GDPR en anglais). De nombreuses entreprises ont donc entamé une démarche de mise en conformité. Mais où en sont-elles sur…
Author: Gérôme Billois
Gérôme Billois is a Partner at Wavestone in the Cybersecurity and Digital Trust practice. He graduated from the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Lyon. He has deep expertise in risk management and cybersecurity, developed over more than 15 years of experience. Gérôme is a board member of CLUSIF, a member of the ISO JTC1/SC27 committee, responsible for information security standardisation, and a founding member of Club27001, a non-profit dedicated to promoting the ISO 27001 standard. He holds CISA, CISSP and ISO 27001 PA certifications. Gérôme co-authored several books on cybersecurity (Eyrolles, Cepadues, Wiley & Sons, Larcier), is a regular media and conference speaker (Assises de la Sécurité, ISACA, CLUSIF, CNIS, etc.), and gives university lectures.
2017 has been quite a year for cybersecurity twists and turns overall. As every year, the number of incidents multiplied, regulations were reinforced and technologies evolved considerably. In this surge of news, what’ll be the key trends in 2018? Find…
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The first article was about vulnerabilities in Business Continuity Plans (BCP) and an overview on recent major cyber attacks that paralyzed a significant amount of an Information System (IS). This second article introduces some leads and means to improve cyber-resilience…
Successive cyber attacks, Wannacry and NotPetya, have highlighted the limits of current resilience and business continuity plans, as well as the full capacity of cyberthreats to cripple Information Systems. The affected organizations paid a high price. What can we learn?…
After a first article on the cyber-security start-ups radar, this second article is about which means these start-ups can use to properly develop. How to acquire customers among large corporations? How to develop abroad? These are one of the many…
Cyber-security is now the focus of everyone’s attention - the protection of personal data and defense against cyberattacks have become priorities for companies and governments alike. In a field where the nature of the threat is constantly evolving, innovation is…
Suite à un premier article présentant les vulnérabilités des dispositifs de continuité et quelques grandes attaques majeures ayant paralysé une partie du SI de l'entreprise, voici quelques pistes pour améliorer sa stratégie de cyber-résilience. Muscler la gestion de crise…
Les attaques successives de Wannacry et NotPetya ont montré concrètement la fragilité des systèmes d’information et la capacité d’une menace cyber à rendre indisponibles pendant plusieurs semaines des parties importantes de systèmes assurant le bon fonctionnement d’une entreprise. Les sociétés…
Après un premier article consacré au sujet du radar des start-ups cybersécurité en France, ce deuxième article porte sur les leviers qui s'offrent à elles pour assurer leur développement. Comment se rapprocher des grandes entreprises ? Comment s'exporter à l'international…